Ghasem Darzi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Ghasem Darzi

Interdisciplinary studies of the Qur'an /

Journal Papers

  1. "Emotional Typology in the Quran: A Comparative Study Based on Plutchik's Theory"
    Mahnaz Mohammadi, Ghasem Darzi,
    Journal of Interdisciplinary Qur’anic Studies, Vol. 2, pp.211-233, 2023
  2. "The story of Human Creation in the Quran and the Old Testament: A Linguistic-Narrative Approach for Reconstructing the Dominant Gender Discourse"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Journal of interdisciplinary Quranic studies, Vol. 2, pp.27-42, 2023
  3. "The Relation between the Language of the Qur'an and Science (A Comparative Approach to the Features of the Language of the Qur'an and Science and Their Important Differences)"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Journal of interdisciplinary Quranic studies, Vol. 1, pp.109-127, 2022
  4. "Revealing gender discourses in the Quran: An integrative, dynamic and complex approach"
    Ghasem Darzi, Abbas Ahmadvand, Musa Nushi
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    Ghasem Darzi, Mostafa Borhani
  6. "Predominance of mercy or violence in the Quran based on quantitative analysis"
    مائده بني‌طالبي, Ghasem Darzi, Mostafa Moradi
    Vol. 3, pp.29-60, 2024
  7. "Interdisciplinary comparative study (interparadigmatic interpretation) of the Quran and the Testaments; Concepts, types and examples"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 20, pp.25-44, 2023
  8. "Investigating the Association between Alcohol Consumption History and Some Mental Distress based on a Population-Based Study with a Focus on Quranic Verses"
    Ghasem Darzi, Mehdi Khabazkhoob, Fatemeh Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Leili Koochak Zadeh, Yeganeh Yekta
    Vol. 7, pp.44-52, 2023
  9. "Examining Morphological Differences of Quranic Words in Recitation Schools"
    اميرمحمد زاهدي, Ghasem Darzi, حسن احمدي‌زاده
    Vol. 10, pp.33-58, 2023
  10. "The discourse relationship of the Qur'an and Nahj alBalaghah towrad gender"
    Ghasem Darzi, Zahra Besharati
    Vol. 5, pp.25-57, 2021
  11. "Interdisciplinarity in Occidentology"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 11, pp.41-64, 2021
  12. "linguistic Anthropology And its role in extracting worldviews and discourses in the Holy Quran"
    Ghasem Darzi, Morteza Salman Nejad
    Vol. 26, pp.223-252, 2019
  13. "History of ideas of interdisciplinarity. Transition from an idealistic, Integrative approach to a pragmatic problem-solving one"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 11, pp.1-32, 2019
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    Ghasem Darzi, morteza salman nejad
    Vol. 51, pp.71-106, 2019
  15. "Probe into Object Metaphors in the Twenty Six to the Thirtieth Parts of the Holy Qur'an"
    talebi ali, Mahinnaz Mirdehghan Farashah, Sepideh Abdolkarimi, Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 2, pp.1-20, 2019
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    fereshte ghobadi, Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 15, pp.157-185, 2019
  17. "Rationality and Irrationality in Proper Sovereignty; Explaining Components of Moral Rationality in Proper Sovereignty from the Perspective of the Qur'an and Nahj-ul-Balagha"
    Ghasem Darzi, Payam Sadriye
    Vol. 1, pp.13-25, 2018
  18. "A Cognitive Explanation on the Resemblance-Based Metaphors in the last eleven parts of the Glorious Qur'an"
    Ali Talebi Anvari, Mahinnaz Mirdehghan Farashah, Sepideh Abdolkarimi, Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 9, pp.47-73, 2018
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    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 2, pp.43-75, 2018
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    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 10, pp.1-26, 2018
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    Ghasem Darzi
    Vol. 3, pp.55-62, 2018
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    Ghasem Darzi, ahad ghasramaleki, Mahinnaz Mirdehghan Farashah
    Vol. 1, pp.25-52, 2017
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    Ghasem Darzi, pakatchi ahmad, ahad garamaleki
    Vol. 10, pp.35-71, 2017
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    Ghasem Darzi, ,
    Vol. 16, pp.15-48, 2016
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    Ghasem Darzi,
    pp.49-64, 2015
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    Ghasem Darzi,
    pp.103-126, 2015
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    Ghasem Darzi, ahmad pakatchi
    pp.33-49, 2014
  28. ""
    Ghasem Darzi, ,
    Vol. 4, pp.73-103, 2014

Conference Papers

  1. ""
    Ghasem Darzi
    The SBL International Meeting, 2024
  2. "Green Islam: Toward a Bioethical Understanding of the Quran"
    Ghasem Darzi, Abbas Ahmadvand
    The 17th World Congress of Bioethics, 2024
  3. "Quranic Studies and Natural Sciences :A MethodologicalInterdisciplinary Approach and itsIntellectual Gains"
    Ghasem Darzi
    The Annual Conference of Ibn Khaldon Center on Interdisciplinary Research, No 5 , pp.233-254, 2023
  4. "Quranic Studies and Natural sciences: Methodological interdisciplinary approaches and its intellectual gains"
    Ghasem Darzi
    The Annual Conference of Ibn Khaldon Center on Interdisciplinary Research, 2023
  5. "Non-human Animal Symbolism in the Quran: A Modern exegesis of Quranic Verses Based on the Mother Archetype by Carl Gustav Jung"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Science and Religion Forum Conference: Humans and Other Animals: Multifaith Responses to the Significance and Symbolism of Animals in Science and Religion Dialogue, pp.18-18, 2023
  6. "Challenging Patriarchal Interpretations of Sacred Texts: A Phenomenological Examination of the Quran's Approach to Normal and Abnormal Sexual Behaviors"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Women in Religion From Spritual Leadership to Femail Empowerment, 2023
  7. "Semantic typology of Grammatical shifting (Iltefat) in the Quran"
    Ghasem Darzi
    International Conference on Quranic linguistics, pp.21-22, 2023
  8. "Computic Quran Mining: Methodological interdisciplinarity as an ideal kind for integrating knowledge in wide interdisciplinarity"
    Ghasem Darzi
    Association for Interdisciplinary Studies 44th Annual Conference, pp.1-3, 2022
  9. "Indigenous knowledge or universal discipline (science)? The role of the culture-based basis of traditional medicine in integrating modern medicine with the humanities and social sciences"
    Ghasem Darzi
    The 5th USERN Congress, 2020
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.27-28, 2017
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    Ghasem Darzi
    The second international conference on the social interpretation of the Holy Quran in the Islamic world, pp.45-46, 2022
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    Ghasem Darzi
    Social Interpretation of Quran in Islamic World, pp.41-42, 2022
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    Ghasem Darzi
    The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies, pp.42-43, 2022
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    Razieh Sharifzadeh, Ghasem Darzi
    The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies, pp.55-56, 2022
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    Razieh Sharifzadeh, Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.43-45, 2021
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.31-31, 2021
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    Ghasem Darzi
    International Conference on Cultural Dialogue, Peace and Development on the Silk Road, pp.56-57, 2020
  18. "cognitive science: discipline, interdiscipline or transdiscipline?With the emphasis on the application of cognitive science in Quranic studies"
    Ghasem Darzi
    8th International Conference of Cognitive Science, 2020
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.136-136, 2020
  20. "Qur??n's approach to gender discources. toward historical-linquistic reconstruction of Qur??nic revelation"
    Ghasem Darzi
    The Qur'an in its Milieu of Origin. Possibilities of the Historical Reconstruction of the Qur'anic Revelation, 2019
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    Ghasem Darzi
    المرجعيه و اثرها في بناء الانسان, pp.192-208, 2019
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.9-11, 2018
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , No 1 , pp.351-378, 2017
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.11-12, 2017
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    Ghasem Darzi, hosein allah verdi, meisam ghahvechian
    , pp.199-224, 2016
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    Ghasem Darzi
    , pp.42-43, 2016
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    Ghasem Darzi,
    , pp.51-53, 2015
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    Ghasem Darzi,
    , pp.323-340, 2015